Transfer Student Housing

Sever House
Location: East Hall
Phone: 508-831-5645
Fax: 508-831-5870

Living on Campus

Transfer students are guaranteed on campus housing. Once you receive your WPI credentials you can submit a Transfer Student Housing Application in the housing portal. 

 William House and Sever House are two of our South Village houses that are reserved for Transfer Students. Find photos, virtual tours, and more information about these locations on each page. 

Before completing the Housing Application, please ensure that you have read the Housing & Dining Contract and the Residence Hall Policies.  

Dates & Deadlines

  • Housing Application Opens: May 15 
  • Documentation for accommodations must be submitted to the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) no later than June 14 
  • Enrollment Deposit Deadline: July 1
  • Housing Application Deadline: July 7

Dining & Meal Plans

Transfer students living in South Village will not be required to have a meal plan. The houses have full kitchens for the residents to share, and there are grocery and convenience stores nearby. Students are also welcome to have a mini fridge and/or microwave in their room. Microfridge is one of our affiliated vendors that will deliver right to your dorm room.

Residents will have the option of purchasing a Residential Meal Plan or Voluntary Meal Plan. 

Chartwells manages the dining services at WPI. With multiple dining locations, ranging from traditional dining halls to convenient on-the-go options. See the Dining Services page for more information.


Roommate Meet & Greets

Please use your WPI Credentials to register and join the event. 

Transfer Students Monday, June 17 from 7:00PM-8:00PM (EST)

Transfer Student FAQs

What is a group leader?

The Group Leader is the person chosen by the group to select housing for the entire group. 

The Group Leader is someone the entire group trusts to make the decision for housing for everyone.

How do I find a roommate?

The Housing & Residential Experience Center will be hosting Roommate Meet & Greets for current students to meet potential roommate for next year. Check the University Calendar and filter by Housing & Residential Experience Center to find out when and where they will be held. 

In the Housing Portal, you will also be able to view a list of students who have completed the housing application and see how compatible you are based on how you both answered the lifestyle questions in the portal. 

How do housing accommodations work?

All accommodation requests and documentation must go to the Office of Accessibility Services. We work together to place these students in locations that meet their needs. Accommodated housing placements are done prior to and separate from the general selection process. 

What does it mean to sign a housing contract and when does my housing contract become binding?

In order to participate in the housing selection process, everyone must sign a housing contract.

The housing contract becomes binding when a group leader selects housing for the housing group or a student is assigned housing by a H.R.E. Center staff member at the student request.